Monday, February 2, 2009

The school decision is made for once and all!

The little one, soon to be 6 has been admitted to Kumaran's, a good school in Bangalore. The approach of the school works for us. After months of agonizing about which school to admit her, montessori versus 'conventional' school, etc. , it was a major relief to get the admit letter in hand this morning.

Rush, rush to get back home and work on a few projects....yes, in the middle of it all, have to work....the one thing I do solely for myself and to keep my brain alive. Wish we had some time to go off and celebrate. I barely remember being pregnant but totally remember the day she was born. Remember rushing off to a bookstore with Shankar after the doctor told me that I was in labour. We were saying goodbye to our days of carefree bookstore browsing (thankfully we did not know the extent of time we would be giving that up for!). She came and despite having an infant in the home, we were able to continue on with some adjustments. She was so good that she would actually look at us and listen to us. I could study with all my books on the floor and she would know not to touch at a very tiny age.

She has been a joy all along and it is tough to see her going off into the big, real world. It looks like the school figures this out and is supportive and friendly. I know I will be a wreck on the first day of her taking the school bus. She eats really slow and I hope she will finish her meal in time. We have been car pooling to school, so I will actually have time now to exercise and do my thing in the morning before work from June. My thrill at this is quite unmaternal, I am sure!

But this is kid number one brought to 'real' world stage in a sense and it feels like an achievement when she is the easiest kid. Imagine my little devil of a son getting here....would I be crying to have gotten here or that someone else would be dealing with the pleasure of his company in school?! :-D


Mrinalini said...

Nice blog. Truly expresses a mother's feeling when a child steps out to face the real world. I did an extensive research about schools when my son was 3 years old. I was looking for a school with a supportive learning environment that centers around the personal learning style of the child. We decided on Inventure Academy because this school focuses on developing the whole personality of a child, not just narrowly defined academic skills. The curriculum provides opportunities for children to learn and demonstrate their learning in multiple ways. In Inventure they let the children find their own way of learning. My son is exceptionally happy and he comes back home smiling.

Sangitha said...

Thanks for the thoughts, Mrinalini. Have heard good things about Inventure Academy. At the end of the day, the most important thing is for the kids to be happy and come back looking forward to another day's worth of fun at school....and learning! If that happens, I will consider our school decision a good one.:-)

Unknown said...

My daughter too goes to Inventure Academy. During the time of admission, when I frequented the school pretty often to get different feels of it, I spoke to quite a few kids and teachers. I was impressed with the fact that there were classes being held in the amphitheater, the field, etc. the kids were giving presentations on various topics and having in-depth discussion and taking notes. This is a whole new way of learning, when compared to traditional schools. Children working in groups, helping each other - it was very interactive. Children find this very encouraging and grow more confident. The Teacher was only being a guiding force. I was very impressed with their teaching style and knew my daughter would be giving adequale attention and the freedom to grow at the same time.