Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Me Time!

Report of me time....going really well. Spent a ton of time last night upto 1:00 am getting my favourite songs onto the iPod. My gift to myself....the song putting and the iPod! Workshop over the weekend - self development, pretty intense full day two day affair. So am happy to note that the self focus (refuse to call it selfish!) is going well. Am running alongside incredibly self motivated son trying to get his balance on his kutti non-training wheels 'two wheeler' as he calls it. Am swimming during their swim class and getting my exercise quotient. Eating healthy, did I mention that the organic veggie place has a website and home delivers (!!)....this week, I have it down. Daughter got off to school today in such a infectious upbeat credit to me, that. And have even got my smile on most times - really, people! Am thrilled to get this far and test this boundary.

Saw a movie at home over the weekend. Crappy movie called 'New York' - need to give up hope that Bollywood will rise beyond that name. Got to hang out with stressed out hubby after a long time. Louise Hay has done a lot of good in this household.

What is it about music that takes you right back to those times? Was listening to music from the 90's (my time in DC and university) and time travelled there in a jiffy. The songs that were on 97.1 Wash FM!! Great week already! :-D

Wish you all the same!

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