Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Bucket List

Okay, so every month seems to bring me closer to the big four oh. In earth time, still 30 months away but lately, I seem to be hearing more about the cons of crossing 40. For someone who still feels 28 was just yesterday (okay, my knees alone are a bit further along!), it seems quite ridiculous to see the major sentiment attached to being 40. It has been my experience that I own my years a lot more now than before. That confidence is a real state of mind, most of the time. Very different from the late 20s when maturing in relationships and career was the same time...and sometimes with the same amount of pain! :-D

So decided to put up my bucket list. The initial 10 for the next decade. To be added to as and when the mind prevails!

1. Build a home.
2. Adopt third child - a puppy named Loopy.
3. Travel atleast once a year to fun places....longish trips.
4. Spend time laughing with kids. More time, that is. And less shouting.
5. Spend time with aging parents, in-laws and all kinds of friends. This too shall pass.
6. Contribute everyday to one social problem in India.
7. Get a massage atleast once a year.
8. Run away to movies and dinners with love of my life (no, not the puppy this time!) a few times in the year.
9. Learn Italian.
10. Finish another stained glass piece for that new home.
11. Get private lessons to perfect breathing while swimming.
12. Lose that last, bloody persistent 10 kgs.
13. Buy self a new wardrobe when that 10 melts off.
14. Learn Pilates.
15. Consistently DO pilates.......

Okay, the mind prevailed. Funny how so little is related to work...maybe except no. 6.

Later, folks!


starry eyed said...

Lady, the way you're going...get a massage once a MONTH;)

starry eyed said...

Oh and I made up a tag out of this...thanks for spurring me on to finally make (at least part of) my list!