Monday, February 22, 2010

Another back track

To go back to my intuitive decision to have a puppy.  Besides the fact that it is on my now very important bucket list, it will go a long way to help my kids learn very important life skills.  Growing up with an animal in the house, esp. one that is so full of unconditional love means that we all know what it is, even if as humans, we are quite incapable of the same level (or even any!) of this devotion.

So a bit of web surfing got me to a cocker breeder who aims to help the breed by responsible breeding, uniting good homes to good puppies/dogs.  Just because.  They got back to me in a couple of days - got the email today that there is a litter with a good breeder.  The puppies are golden and orange roan, meaning a combination of white with either orange or golden or both.  We will not know until we see these pups that are two days old today!

It feels a little like waiting to adopt.  When you know you are in the process but don't know when what will happen to make your family complete.  Just that your turn will come.  Maybe that day is tomorrow! We can visit these pups after they are about a week old, at least.  If it works out, they might be home the same time as I can manage it - mid - end May.  We would 'book' the puppy and then do what we can to get ready.  Get it stuff, a bed/crate, collar leash, dishes, toys.  Puppy proof the house.  Figure out the whole toilet training thing.  And settle in to enjoy the ride.

We already have a vet picked out, a boarding kennel for when we take our vacations (if my parents can't doggysit).  Even a name.  That has been ready for about as long as our daughter's name....both of these were picked way, way in advance of the event.

I hope this adoption works out as great as our human one! :-D


1 comment:

starry eyed said...

Wow! Congrats...and all the best :) Hope your home will soon have the pitter-patter of four little paws :-D

Tagged you to participate in the Women's Day contest at Indusladies. Hope you can...last date Feb 25th.