Thursday, April 22, 2010

When your life is work and 'life'

why not have both roles overlap consciously?  A complete life is when you have time in the day for everything of importance - yourself, your family and work.  In the order of importance depending on which hour you take.

The culture of keeping things 'professional' and not 'personal' has been on for a few decades now.  Actually, it was all about work with the personal almost a shameful secret for our fathers.  As more women entered the workforce, it was not possible to keep the personal out of the work life, much as many bosses and companies might have liked to.

Now, my life is a overlap of work and non-work 'life' part actually has work in it!  So how about bringing the personal into the professional?  Only professional has not worked very well...if anything, it has made doctor's appointments and children's sick days/vacations become 'situations' to be 'managed'.  And as much as we try to be 'professionals', we are humans first.

So if I can be where I need to when I am needed to be there - on time, with a mind that is also fully there, why should the non-work part be pushed under the carpet?  It should never be a choice between parenthood and being a professional.  The 'work'force needs 'de'structuring!

And it is only morning yet! :-D

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