Sunday, May 23, 2010

Have moved

this blog to Wordpress.

Do check it out at

Friday, May 21, 2010

A new puppy

is a child and is not as tough to manage as a human one.  She is easier to toilet train, mine is much smarter than all other inhabitants in the home, she understands, gives some serious unconditional loving, sleeps for 22 of 24 hours and does not back answer...silence is an option when we spend time with her!

Kids take 1 year or two to toilet train, have to have bums washed and tuition fees paid, test your patience and knowledge and can hit out right at the core into your self esteem.  People generally get really upset when I compare kids to dogs but in my mind, they are one and the same.  In fact, if you have two of the former, one in the latter category will help you thrive...err...survive!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Living below your means

The mall lights dazzle, the crowds seem to surge endlessly, mall rats (today's teenagers) stand in line at the McDonalds, distance is measured from one store to the other, people arrange to meet at the Westside west entrance.  Cut to school drop in the morning - maids and drivers emerge from luxury vehicles to bring the young prince/princess to be educated, the 3 year old wears a Benneton t-shirt to play mud cakes, the moms who attend wear designer wear at 8:00 am, the afternoon pick up is high fashion time.