Saturday, March 20, 2010

The 100th post

It is almost two years since this blog started and this is Post no. 100.  Like our car and low mileage, it took me time to get here.  To me, the journey has been worth it.

The way blogging has changed my life?  Oh, several. 
The journey has been

Sheepish to Defiant - 'why should I let it all hang out' to 'it is my purge, my opportunity, read if you like, tough if you don't'!

Personal to General Opinion Building - I began writing about my life but have since seen how similar my life and problems/opinions are to so many others'.  We are all mostly similar....except when we are different?  Yes, I love Yogi Berra.

I see blogging as a tremendous opportunity to connect, say it as it is in my opinion, figure out and make changes to my positions based on other's comments/blogs, as a creative outlet to satisfy my writing urge, a safe place to vent without hurting anyone and just generally be myself.

The challenge has been to retain some privacy....everything IS not hanging out, ensure that my family's privacy is maintained, still keeping things personal and connecting to real people (my friends and the fun of physically hanging out cannot be exchanged in any way with an online presence) and I am sure there are a few more that are not registering with me now.

As an accounting type, getting some semblance of creativity in my life and retaining it over the years has been a struggle for me.  Before the advent of the blog.  Reading back, I see how far I have come on some issues and how similar some thoughts are....kind of like a thought diary that is published....and therefore committed.  It is out there, so no going back on that position unless you formally change it!

It has been useful to do some evangelising for my cause.  I find raising funds (the asking part!) really difficult.  And this is a non-intrusive way of doing it.  It has helped me save time....a lot of my friends that I have found on FB after long years go here to know what I am up to, what I think and how things are now.  This replaces my long emails that said mostly the same things to different people.

Would I do this again?  Absolutely.  Would I have started earlier?  Probably not.  I believe things happen to you when it is right for them to happen to you.  So no regrets, ever.  And no what ifs.

To my loyal readers, the select group of 10 -15, thank you.  The fact that someone reads my blog makes me feel like what I say is worth something....even when it just might be another rehash!  Or hash up.  Whatever, thanks for sticking.

To another 100 more.  Sometime in the next decade.  Why compete with myself on this?! :-D


starry eyed said...

Congrats! And it great to see more posts from you in the recent months! As the person who inspired me to actually give blogging a second rock :-D

Sangitha said...

Thanks, Starry.

Shyam said...

rightly said, blogging is the way people are going to stay connected. I am not sure if you watched the movie Surrogates(2009). Hopefully we do not go that far :-).

I always wanted to do what you have done - but mine has been moving quite slowly( and started rationalizing that work has taken more priority than this. Nay, excuses just that.

Congratulations on your ton !

Sangitha said...

Thanks, Shyam. Went to your blog - it is set up really well. And you have logged in some words too! Way to go.

Priya said...

Sangi, been reading a lot of your blogs ever since I found it from your FB page. You write brilliantly, beautifully, creatively. I didn't know you too well in school but I feel I know you much better now thanks to your blog. Congrats on your hundred! Do keep it up. I for one, will be back regularly for more.

Sangitha said...

Thanks, Priya. I remember your dance pretty well but you are right, we didn't really know each other in school. Thanks for the encouragement...I like to write, so nice to know that people like to read what I purge here! :-D

Loganathan said...

Congrats and keep going. "The fact that someone reads my blog makes me feel like what I say is worth something". Every blogger would agree with you on this line.